AO: Hard Knocks University Bootcamp - Wednesday

When: 06/08/2022


Number of Pax: 8

Pax Names: Chilipepper, Lancelot, Mrs. Doubtfire, Papa Smurf, Posh, Spartan, Speed bump,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Spamalot

The BackBlast:

77 HUMID degrees greeted the Pax at University Corner.

4 ruckers assembled and were off to do rucking things.


Everyone get into Al Gore, for:

Mission Statement

5 Core Principles

5 Point Legal Disclaimer!  1)  YHC is not a professional, 2) Each Pax was there because they chose to be there, 3) the exercises that YHC calls are merely suggestions.  The Pax are free to modify as necessary.  Make them easier, make them more difficult…up to you, 4) in the unlikely event you become injured, stop and the pax will assist you (where is the nearest medical facility??), and 5) by continuing from this point forward, each Pax hereby assumes the risk of injury.  #yesIamaLawyer

With the finer details done,  it was time to get after it,

Warm – o – Rama

Usual fare, SSH, IST, Copperhead Squats, Strawberry Pickers (aka Whirly has the Clap – more to come on that later), Arm circles (both directions) – All IC, all x 15



4 Corners!

Mosey to first corner of parking lot for:  MERKINS

Merkins, Hand Release Merkins, Double Wide Merkins, and Diamond Merkins.  (all x10 OYO)


Mosey to second corner for LEGS

Squats, R leg Lunge, L leg Lunge, and Sumo Squats (all x 10 OYO)


Mosey to third corner for ABS

WWII, low flutter, low dolly, high dolly (all x 10 OYO)


Mosey to fourth corner for CARDIO

SSH, Running with scissors, Fast Feet, Hillbillies (all x 10 OYO)


Water break!  DAMN this humidity


To the Publix Wall


Wall sit (people’s chair) – then 20 Jack Reachers (IC)

20 rebound drills

People’s chair – 20 chest press

20 Mike Tysons

Peoples Chair – 20 jack reachers

20 rebound drills

Peoples Chair



GRINDER TIME (not that kind….)

Form 2 groups of four

Partner 1 stays and performs exercise

Partners 2,3,4 run down to far stop sign.

Partner 2 stays and performs exercise.

Partners 3 and 4 run to partner 1, relieving him.

Partner 1 runs to partner 2 and relives him.

Continue this pattern.

Complete each exercise for two rotations.

Exercise 1s included:  Peter Parkers, Squats, merkins, Michael Phelps

Exercise 2s included:  Parker Peters, LBCs, hand release merkins, Michael Phelps



LBS, Penguin Crunches, Mutton Crunches, Low Flutters, Superman/Banana, and Plank were included (all IC x 12)





Phew!  Did I mention that it was humid??!!

There was some confusion on Mutton Crunches and Penguin Crunches.  Regional differences.

Thanks to the Pax for coming out to my first Q in the region.  It was about a year ago that I first posted here, and the idea formed that we could move to this area.  Fast forward, and here we are.  I am very grateful for this group of men and how welcoming you all have been.  Looking forward to making great memories and accelerating together.

Thanks to Chillipepper, Spartan, and Mrs. Doubtfire for the strong partner work during Grinder time.

I think Speed Bump was the only Pax I had not met before.  Nice to meet you.

Lancelot was the 6 – thanks for sharing your story


Announcements/Prayer Requests

Thursday Lunch (today!!) – Station 400 in LWR – come on out – 11:30am

Beach Day – date was not mentioned, but I think it is June 18??

Wildpax – (YHC is still waiting to hear details), but I am a HC

Friday morning Bible study after workout

Praise for Bing and his recovery – so good to see you back getting after it.

Praise (prayers) for Mrs. Doubtfire’s 15 year old daughter.  Happy Birthday!

Safe travels Chillipepper on your trip to Georgia.


YHC took us out, giving thanks for all that we have been given.


Thanks for the opportunity boys!


Have a great day.




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