AO: Hard Knocks University Bootcamp - Wednesday

When: 07/13/2022


Number of Pax: 11

Pax Names: Callahan, Condenser, Hacksaw, Mrs. Doubtfire, Mulch, Prep H, Sir Wallace, Spamalot, Sparkler, Spartan,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Sir Wallace

The BackBlast:

77F  Pax gathered including down rangers; Breast Stroke, Prep H, and Mulch with Ruckers joining the beatdown.

Warmorama: Single file 400 meter run (300m for Ruckers) with dynamic stretching for the last 50 meters. Circle time included: Peter Parker’s, sitting flutter kicks, Carolina dry docks, windmills, arms circles and Michael Phelps.

The Thang:

These are the class instructions written on the board:

15 reps for each of the 9 exercises then complete a 400 meter run (10 reps/ 300m for Ruckers)

1. Jump Squats (Ruckers do air squats)

2. wide merkins

3. Ski Jumps (side lunges for Ruckers)

4. Tricep dips

5. lunge dips

6. plank with leg extensions

7. long swimmers

8. Burpees

9. rope clump crunches

Run a lap

Rinse and Repeat 4 times


Cooldown:  circle time for clockwork merkins and squat holds in rotation. Then JayLo’s by Mulch and 6 count sit-ups to Merkin by Breast Stroke.


Sat. Oct. 8th Sunrise Beach Run 5K register here: 

Today: Wed. 13th 5:30p Alzheimer’s association gathering at Motorworks brewery (see Manziel for details)

Prayers/ Praises:

Props to all the pax for working through this beatdown, all got A’s today including Ms. Doubtfire, continued prayers for his recovery. We lifted up our prayer requests and ended COT with closing prayer.


We are all called to be holy by living our lives with love and by bearing witness to God in everything we do and wherever we find ourselves.



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