perfect weather for losing body weight

The weather was perfect this morning if your goal was to profusely sweat within seconds of walking out the front door.  Real feel was 91 degrees at launch (yep, that…

Shut the Hamer down

With a couple of our regulars in Bing and Spinal Tap missing, and only 19 others in attendance for a beautiful 62 degree morning run/ruck at the Hamer, it may…


At 5:13am, the chatter was strong.  At 5:14am, Brutus rolled in on two wheels with Kona slightly behind him.  At 5:15, Goob laid out the plan of the day.  With…

The Gloom

Weather: 60 and heavy fog, on the north side of the bridge. 5:14 hit, and in typical Ft Hamer fashion – the pax had some plans of their own due…

Bridge Repeats

YHC was volunselected to Q the beatdown today at Fort Hamer…YHC a few minutes early and declared that today would be Bridge Repeat day. The group ran a warm up…

Hamer Time

Weather: 60’s and foggy at times. 5:15 rolled around, the pax were welcomed and it was declared that today was Figure Eights…and that is what we did.  Ruckers headed for…

Let’s Do This

Weather: Mid 50’s 5:15a struck and the pax were eager to hear the plan…well, at least the direction in which we were going to run.  Many are in the midst…

Hamer Time in the Gloom

Great morning as there was a slight chill in the air with a great breeze.  The Pax gathered and Crabcakes declared he was doing ‘his own thing’ this morning. In…

Warmers Needed?

The chatter on Slack was bleak about who would attend the Hamer in the gloom. So bleak that there was actual Zero postings on the thread. Maybe this was the…

Where be the runners?

Posh came down with a bug and had to give up the Q, so YHC grabbed it (had to fulfill the monthly September commitment to show face @ the Hamer).…