AO: Hamer Time - Thursday

When: 10/20/2022


Number of Pax: 3

Pax Names: Goob, Pincher, Spinal Tap,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Pincher

The BackBlast:

The chatter on Slack was bleak about who would attend the Hamer in the gloom. So bleak that there was actual Zero postings on the thread. Maybe this was the first sign that the attendance would be small.

YHC had reached out to our very own Snapping Backs and Cashing Checks, Aka (Spinal Tap), for a look into a kink that had been lingering for the last 2 weeks. Arriving a bit early, 0500, for a look/adjustment and now just waiting for the invoice for the miracle work he preformed! Afterward we stood in the cold considering hiding back in the cars waited for other Pax to arrive. Only to notice a few minutes later it was 0516…and no one else had showed, so we quickly realized it was just the two of us this chilly gloom. Off we went for a Big Big Loop as Goob was already still out running as both him and Spinal Tap put in some EC work getting them both to 9+ for the day.

It was great fellowship at a moderate pace, and the chill in the air was quickly forgotten until we returned for COT with Goob awaiting our finish. Total of 3 for this Gloom as we circled up and were lead out by a Spinal Tap prayer. For those that were still shriveled in the fastback this gloom, see the image attached, this might help you later this winter, be sure to order extra small.

Prayers/Praises: Spinal Taps M new job, Goob’s Hip, and perfect weather on Nov 5th.

Pincher Out!

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