Guest Q – Tatanka

With two FNGs present, the full disclaimer was shared and the pax took off for a mosey down towards the tower. Our Guest Q wasted no time to get after it with a strong COP:

Mosey to Corner Park for COP

  • SSH x 20 IC
  • Imperial Walkers x10 IC
  • Hillbilly Walkers x10 IC
  • Mountain Climbers x10IC
  • Plank Session
  • Squats x10 IC
  • Seated Rowing x10 IC – boy does this take some coordination but necessary at Benderson Park!

The Thang:

Smooth Mosey full lap down to pier and back to tower

Alternate every other light – 5 burpees down one side and 5 Failure to Launch down other side.

Base of Tower 10 Count

Stair work on the Tower included:

  • Each level 20 reps x 5 levels
  • Merkins level 1
  • Squats level 2
  • Wide Arm Merkins level 3
  • Sumo Squats level 4
  • Diamond Merkins level 5

Rinse and Repeat x 2 for 200

Last 100 on grassy hill next to tower – 20 on bottom, bear crawl to top mosey down.  Wait for 6 in plank between

Final mosey to Shovel Flag.


  • Welcome FNG Props – Moving from Charlotte – Eh’ed by his FIA wife as they are moving to Sarasota (funny that he never did F3 in Charlotte but he will be back)
  • Welcom FNG Brutus – Ohio State fan – EH’ed by a friend who does F3 in Columbus, Ohio – how cool is that?
  • Triathlon Super Bowl Sunday
  • Super Hero 5k in February – SIGN UP


  • Prayers for Scuba, involved in a traffic accident recently
  • Prayers for our first responders
  • Praise from Tatanka, noting that the Suncoast pax is leading the way in Florida and are an example of how F3 can work in Florida and the Southeast particularly.

Coffeeteria commenced after the workout at Panera with full attendance and great stories of F3 elsewhere.  Glad to have our FNGs join us for some 2nd F following the workout.  A great way to learn that F3 is much more than just a beatdown.