Yes you can do pull-ups

QIC:  Scrum

Pax:  Scrum, Pincher, Skimmer, Goliath, Wallburger, Drake, Rowdy, LG, Brutus, Aquaman, Shamwow, Sir Wallace, Chilipepper

No FNG’s

Theme of the beatdown was IronPaxChallenge Week 3 – “Meter’s 43”.  Covered the F3 disclaimer and core principles.

Pax conducted a Mosey to the bridge, with high knees and buttkickers mixed in.

COP included the following:

  • SSH x20 IC
  • Strawberry Pickers x10 IC
  • Windmills x10 IC
  • Arm circles
  • Agitators
  • Plank stretches
  • Toy Soldiers x10 IC

The pax then jogged back to the pavilion, gathered water and selected a coupon.  Coupons were full and half-sized cinder blocks.

The Thang

The main event consisted of executing the IronPaxChallenge – Week 3 workout from our brothers at F3 Greenwood:

Pax conducted the following series of exercises in sequence, counting the total number of reps completed across all series for a final score:

– 10 Pull-ups 

– 15 Burpee Coupon Jump Overs.  Execute a Burpee, then side jump over the coupon and repeat.

– 20 Coupon Curls.  All the way down and up.  Coupon held from the bottom.

– 25 Coupon Squat Thrusters .  Squat to parallel legs with block held to chest.  Then, stand up and push block overhead until arms are extended.

– 30 Gas Pumps (reverse crunches).  Lie on back. Legs together.  Feet extended all the way out to six inches.  Then, crunch knees to nose.  

Rinse and repeat for 43 minutes.

**Score will be cumulative number of reps completed during the 43 minutes. For reference, each full round is 100 reps.

For Example: 5 Rounds completed plus all Pull-ups and Burpees on final round would be 525 total points.


  • Sparky is starting a new book study in 2 weeks.  Focus is on marriage.  Group meets every Saturday at 6:15am at AP.
  • Sir Wallace reminded the Pax of a fund-raiser run for My Choice Pregnancy Center.  Will occur next Saturday at 7:30am at Benderson Park.
  • Bring on the Ministry fundraiser in mid-October.  Details on Mumble Chatter.
  • Opportunity to lead a single’s group (30’s and 40’s) at Bayside.  See Drake for details.
  • Fundraising for Rowdy’s mission work.  He is looking for donors to commit to $20 / month.  Description and link to donate:


  • Wallburger asked for prayers for a friend struggling with alcoholism.
  • Wallburger also praised lack of cancer in the wife of a business partner.

Have a great week!
