Lion Pride Beatdown

6 Pax posted at Lion Pride this beautiful gloom for today’s beatdown. We couldn’t have asked for a better morning. Lions were alive this morning, and “Four on the Roar” was enforced thrice this workout.  Warmorama Blocker led our mosey to the field of donuts, where YHC led us through the following routine: Windmills Moroccan …

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Wet Air at the Lions Pride

LionsPride180210 Mosey-up the side of the hill to our usual warmup up locale. Warma Rama: -Morrocan Night Clubs. 20 IC -side straddle hops 15 IC -yoga pose stretches -leg extensions with crunch 10 IC -slow bicycle stretches. The Thang: -mosey to Mother Hill -hillside suicide ladders: two marks placed on hill roughly 1/3 and 2/3 …

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Kotter on the Q

Sunrise on the horizon as we launched into our mosey, led by Yo Yo Ma. The lions were making their presence known with fierce and majestic bellowing the entire beatdown. It was as if our bodies were given voice. The Thang Warmorama: Arm Circles Moroccan Night Clubs Don Quixotes Side Straddle Hops 3-stance Air Squats …

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Wet and Chilly

We jogged our way up the side hill and did our warm-up on top of Mother Hill. WARMARAMA 1: Int/Ext shoulder rotations x 10 ea 2: Chest claps x 10 3: Quad stretch w/ alternating arm reach x 5 ea 4: Alternating Leg Kick x 5 ea 5: Mt Climber x 10 ea 6: Down …

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