Weather: 65F with very little wind (no complaints here)

After a nice pre-run (3 miles, fellowship pace) with Gridlock and and FNG (Shamrock) we went though a nice beatdown and benefited from sharing 1 hour with other HIM. This was so worth it!

Warm Up: The pax may be feeling those hip flexors tomorrow.

  • Mosey Jog one lap. Second lap with drills (side shuffle, karaoke, skips, backward run, backward skip)
  • Dynamic stretching: Knee to chest, heel to but stretch, walking hamstring stretch
  • Lunge progression (forward, side, backward)
  • Karaoke, side shuffle, A skip, B Skip.

4 Stations (5 exercises, 1 min each)

  • Narrow stance merkins; standing lunges with twist; push with legs in bench; American Hammer; up/down with arms and legs (germans)
    • 10 burpees, run to the fence and back
  • Carolina Dry Dogs; squat jumps; Moroccan night club; mountain climbers; open close arms and legs (germans)
    • 10 burpees, run to the fence and back
  • Half squat position (jump between wide and narrow stance), jump to plank and back to half squat position; squat jump, sit on bench and legs up; dips; 3 push ups, 10 mountain climbers; feet on bench, hips up, bring one knee to chest alternate knees;
    • 10 burpees, run to the fence and back
  • Rowing sit ups; squats with low bounces to squat jump; R lunge to knee drive; L lunge to knee drive; push up R above head, middle, below, then L.
    • 10 burpees, run to the fence and back

Finished with some nice running to the fence and back to work on proper running mechanics.


Prayers for those pax members going through multiple struggles physical, mental, and/or emotional. Prayers for Bing’s sister (Deborah) so she has a full and speedy recovery.

Praise for the HIM in our group who push each other to make us better. Praise for those pax member healing and are able to come back to the beatdowns. And praise for 8-Ball whose labs workups came back normal.