Basket case!

Weather – 54 and glorious!

Gridlock, DeFib and YHC finished up a slightly less than fellowship pace 6-mile pre-run to a parking lot full of HIM awaiting what was to come.  As the clock struck 5:15a, the disclaimer was shared along with the core principles and off we went to the tower, to ‘never return’.

The mosey was short but included a climb to the second deck of the tower to to plant some goodies for the Thang, more to come in a bit.  With a rather large showing, we circled up on the 1st deck (the Bing Deck for some reason).  COP included:

  • SSH x25 IC
  • Windmills x10IC
  • Hello Dolly x10 IC
  • Wheezy Jefferson x10 IC

Before we retreated down to the landing of the tower, it was time to count off by 2 in order to create the teams.

The challenge was explained as this:  Each team must send a runner UP to the second landing to grab a card.  Each card contains two exercises.  The exercise with the count must be executed by ALL TEAM MEMBERS BEFORE GETTING the next card. While the teammate gets the next card, the remainder of the team does the other exercise listed.  The key is to wait until the entire team is completed, but apparently both teams did not feel this was needed.  No, no bitterness here!  For the first card retrieval, the teams were to plank until their return.  There is 21 cards on the 2nd level, the team that gets 11 wins!

The exercises included:

  • 40 SSH in Cadence/American Hammers
  • 30 Monkey Humpers/Freddie Mercuries
  • 20 Diamond Merkins/LBCs
  • 30 Sumo Squats/Lunges
  • Dealer’s Choice/Nolan Ryans
  • 15 Seal Team Sit-ups/Elbow Plank
  • 1 lap around the circle/Shoulder Taps
  • 25 Burpees/Overhead Claps
  • 30 Merkins/High Knees in place
  • 25 Mountain Climbers in cadence/Calf Raises
  • 13 Donkey Kicks/Dying Cockroach
  • 15 Makhtar N’Diayes/Dancing Bears
  • 25 Partner Merkins/Box Cutters
  • 20 Wheezy Jeffersons/Groiners
  • 25 Dips/Annie
  • 30 Hello Dolly/SSH
  • Jailbreak (sprint to the top of the tower and return)
  • 20 Bobby Hurleys/Overhead Claps
  • 20 Goofballs/Seal Jacks
  • 15 Mike Tysons/Moroccan Night Clubs
  • 22 Peter Parkers/Parker Peters

The competition was brutal, and so was the twisted ankle sustained by Mr. Clean as he raced Big Mac to the first set of cards.  Best was that the burpees card hung out for a long time, with a lot of pressure on the teams to avoid it.  Even though a certain team failed to wait on the 6 in their team, everyone won as we all got stronger.

Next up was the basket run.  One would think this wasn’t planned… wasn’t, but each pax grabbed a blue basked that happened to be left at the base of the tower.  The pax ran with the basket above their heads for a round of four corners (think hand basket in the grocery store).  Yes, we looked stupid, but they sure did become heavier as our arms got tired. With a run between the corners, the corners exercises included:

  • 10 x Squats w basket above head
  • 10 merkins on basket
  • 10 lunges with basket above head
  • 10 sumo squats with basket above head

Next up was a round of Bear crawl inch worm – same teams.  Plank up head to toe in a line and bear crawl indian run style.  Once the last bear crawler reached the front, the last goes.  Apparently team 2 had much shorter pax AND much faster bear crawlers, as there was no competition here.

Last was a mosey back to the parking lot for a short round of mary including Captain Thor x4, Hello Dolly, Superman/Sky and something else.

It is always an honor to lead this great group of men.  YHC encouraged to continue applying the EH to those friends we all know would benefit from F3 in their lives.


  • March 30th convergence
  • Sup n Run – sign up for the F3 Team
  • Gator Wilderness 15K (and those other distances)
  • Shirt order re-opened with availability to order with names on shirt – Get one prior to 3/19.


  • Prayers for the family of the SSO who’s son took his own life yesterday
  • Prayers for all first responders
  • Prayers for Barron while dealing with some pressures and issues at school after having moved
  • Other spoken and unspoken prayers

Thank you to Rowdy for needing a replacement Q for today, even though we would have love to had you out!!


-Bing Out