Just a little game of Get Right

The Gloom

YHC and Snapshot had posted for the 6am pre-Ruck, so we were warm and ready to rumble.

Cool weather, with the rising sun bringing the literal and proverbial warmth of the day. 9 pax posted for this one and it was a beautiful morning to do so.


Following the disclaimer and 1st countarama, we moseyed up the long loop, pausing for a COP at the backfield. A theme we focused on was bringing up the 6, so with every mosey we took, we ran back to bring it the 6 instead of waiting, as has become the default.

The Thang

After returning to the flag, YHC explained the F3 version of Go Fish:

Using a deck of cards not including the jokers, everyone begins with no cards. After making a loop around the parking lot OR up mother hill and down gmother hill, each man draws their first card. The card suites represent the following:

♥️ – Merkins

♦️ – Squats

♣️ – LBCs

♠️ – Leg Lifts

* The number on the card is the reps to be performed and Aces representing 20 reps.

Just as in Go Fish, the goal of Get Right is to gather as many 4 of a numerical kind as possible. As such, each man was allowed one “inquiry” of another man. If the one questioned does not have the card the questioner asks for, he must tell the questioner to “get right”, and the questioner must complete a lap before drawing a card from the deck and complete that exercise for reps. On the other hand, if the man questioned HAS that card, he must surrender it to the questioner and the questioner must complete the exercise and reps of THAT card to earn it. This would complete the round for the questioner and he may proceed to another “inquiry”.

The play of the game is on at each individual’s pace, and therefore up to each man to strategize as he sees fit. In retrospect, YHC would modify some rules to both prolong the game and make card exchange more economically equitable. The maternal lap in particular was brutal for us, but because of it’s extreme elevation change, made the game a legitimate beatdown.

Once the deck had been depleted, those with 4 of a kind were asked to lead the pax through their hand of cards, exercises and reps included.

To finish, a modified “pit of despair” was in order:

Down by 2:

10-2  SSH

10-2 Burpees

1 Parking lot lap between each set.

Just as our initial countarama yielded 9, our last countarama yielded 9.


  • Diesel illness and travel and wife recovering from surgery
  • Oak’s friend in hospice
  • Don’t forget convergence March 30th and the races posted in the newsletter!