Positive Habit Transfer

Weather: HOT and THICK

QIC: Bing

Pax: Braveheart, Whalburger, FIFA, Bing, Sterling, Sparky, Click Bait, Dash, Bubbles, McNugget, Big Mac, Scrum, ShamWow, Brutus, Manziel, Aquaman

The pax arrived to a hot and humid Adventure Park, with nearly all pax wearing their new F3 mudgear shirts, including many of our regular 2.0s. Disclaimer was shared and under the suggestion of McNugget, the mission statement was read and it was off for the warm up mosey. After 2 1/2 laps of the lot with side shuffle x2, nur, high knees and Carioca, we were circled up for COP.

  • SSH x30IC
  • Windmills x10 IC
  • LBCs x10 IC
  • Merkins x 10IC
  • Big Boy Sit-Ups x 10 OYO
  • 30-60-90

It was time for the Thang. The pax would endure a 12- days of Christmas board of pain. Modifying was encouraged based on fitness level on the distance of the lap. 2 big laps for the runners or 2 smaller laps for those advancing their fitness. Many chose the big laps. In escalating fashion, and doing the number corresponding to the day, the list was as follows:

  1. 2 Laps running
  2. Get ups
  3. Jump squats
  4. LBCs
  5. Diamond Merkins
  1. Imperial Walkers
  2. Rosalitas
  3. Slow Flutter Kicks
  4. Slow squats
  5. Lunges each leg
  6. Merkins
  7. Burpees

The pax endured the board and accomplished their goals with only minutes left in the hour. Strong effort by all including the 2.0s. If 2 full laps were run, the pax covered 3.55 miles in all.

With the 2.0s heading back to school, the pax were encouraged to think about an opportunity to make an influence on someone in their lives. To wrap up the beatdown, Positive Habit Transfer was discussed, in which you have the opportunity to make a difference in someone’s life by making the right decision, pushing oneself, or encouraging one another. While we look to make PHT to our children, it is possible to do so to coworkers, family or a complete stranger. With all of the mass shootings in the country today, it’s important that we reach out to those around us to make sure we don’t miss an opportunity to impact someone. You never know the state of mind of someone around you, but you can bring a positive attitude or a compliment into their lives. The challenge to the 2.0s was to do the same at school. Make the right decisions with your classmates. Reach out to a classmate in need. Be the light in their peer groups and classes that they are called to be. They have been given a special gift of F3, and they are called to be that leader they have all learned to be.


  • 9/7 Clearwater Launch. Plan to clown car
  • 9/9 Ronald McDonald House
  • Look into rucking and look for an upcoming ruck style Bootcamp
  • Look for info to support ALS in the future


  • For the 2.0s going back to school
  • Injured Pax
  • First responders and military
  • Teachers

Hands were laid on the 2.0s and all lifted up in prayer to end a great beatdown.

It’s always an honor and is humbling to lead this Pax. Seeing so many great men share this gift with their 2.0 makes me so happy. And hearing that the 2.0s are holding their dads accountable about attending is even better. Great job men and 2.0s.


~Bing out

2 thoughts on “Positive Habit Transfer”

  1. I live in Largo…reading this with much interest…want to know about the Clearwater launch. Grateful for any info. Thank you.

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