Your WHY

Weather:  Glorious The pre-runners returned to the parking lot to a fairly full pax awaiting the 5:15a start. Disclaimer was shared, core principles reviewed and mission statement stated. YHC asked…

.37 over and over

75 and humid….. YHC arrived at 0500 to find the entrance to the parking lot partially blocked by a motor vehicle and observed Goob walking away from the automobile……YHC checked…

Strong 7 for a Fast Paceline

Weather: Cool and Foggy YHC met Ripken @ 5 for some EC. On the way back we ran into Cottontail who also was getting in some EC. We finished up…

Tugboat’s Training Camp

68F clear Mosey warmup to bridge with dynamic stretching. Head back Indian run formation to Pull up bars Split into teams, rotate each station every 15 minutes Station 1 Bball…


We had 8 at Fort Hamer this morning. 4 of us ran the long 10k loop. The other 4 rucked over Fort Hamer Bridge with 60 pound rucks and and…

Ruckers gonna ruck

At 5:14am, Pincher asked, “who’s in charge of this?”.  Goob spoke up and Pincher’s response was “great. bridge repeats.”  At 5;15, Goob revealed that Pincher was indeed correct.  With mostly…

Enron vs Bridge Repeats

Weather 59, just about perfection We started with COT as we usually do at cycling AO’s. Enron rode in just on time for the count. Today as tradition called for…

4Th Anniversary : F3 Suncoast

4th Anniversary of F3 Suncoast Cold Start with 54 degrees. Welcome everyone and to our guests, Ms, 2.0, friends, and FNGs.   Circled up on the field. Today,  the focus…

Spinning the COT Differently

Weather was great! YHC pulled in just behind Bing and was happy to see Dogo not far behind us. Yamaha pulled in just on time before we were ready to…

No Comfort Zones Allowed…..

Mostly clear 67 degrees.  Humidity 91%—Fantastic conditions for speedwork On his drive to the Fort YHC, as he flipped through channels on SiriusXM, quickly realized it was going to be…