AO: Blazing Saddles - Tuesday

When: 04/06/2021


Number of Pax: 6

Pax Names: Brutus, Cottontail, Enron, Pincher, Ripken, Yamaha,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Pincher

The BackBlast:

Weather 59, just about perfection

We started with COT as we usually do at cycling AO’s. Enron rode in just on time for the count.

Today as tradition called for Bridge Repeats, so we announced the route for Enron and explained the plan. Then we road out.

We did a few laps back and forth over the bridge, as big as the picture. Those that never have done this won’t know ;).

Enron is certainly a great fit for the Cycling PAX, welcome and glad you stepped outside that comfort zone brother. Well done this gloom all brothers.

Prayers: Ripken for the decisions and guidance on the house. For Bing and a negative test result.

Pincher out.

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