The BackBlast:

Weather: Absolutely glorious

The men of F3 Suncoast converged to celebrate 6 years for F3 Suncoast, and a celebration it was.  Betamax, Enron, Manziel, Crabcakes and YHC took on a 5-mile Pre Run returning to a parking lot quickly filling up with cars and a sidewalk filling up with shovel flags.  It was time.

Disclaimer was shared, mission statement and core principles were reviewed, and it was time for a mosi….ALMOST.  The Pax clearly had a plan, and the trigger word of let’s mosi started a beautiful rendition of Happy Birthday for YHC.  Much thanks and appreciation!!

Mosi included a multitude of laps around the parking lot with Nur, side shuffle, toy soldiers and more laps, at one time Tugboat declaring “this is no longer just a mosi”.  Love that kid.

COP included the following:

  • SSH x20 IC (sorry – no need to go to 49 as today was about celebrating the Suncoast)
  • Windmill x10 IC
  • Imperial Walkers x20 IC
  • LBCs x10 IC
  • Wheezy Jefferson x10 IC
  • Merkins x10 IC
  • Mountain Climbers x10 IC

It was time for the Thang.

Round 1:

Heading over to the baseball diamond, the every increasing baseball diamond (Thanks Big Mac).  Partner up for a Dora.  Exercises included 100 Merkins, 200 Big Boy Situps and 300 Squats.  Partner 1 runs the bases, Partner 2 does the exercise.  Flip Flop upon return.  The intention is that the run is fast (not a home run trot) as your partner is working hard on the exercises and you only get stronger together, and push one another at all stages.

Round 2:

BOMBS – 4 corner fashion.

B – Burpees on Corner 1

BO – Burpees and Overhead Claps on Corner 2

BOM – Burpees, Overhead claps and Merkins on Corner 3

BOMB – Burpees, Overhead Claps, Merkins and Big Boy Situps on Corner 4

BOMBS – Stroll (run) around the trees to complete the cycle

10 reps of each exercise.  Mode of transportation – Bear Crawl (of course).

The pax ended with 5 minutes remaining, perfect for a round of Mary.  ALL abs, all in-cadence.

  • Sea Lion – LBCS x10IC
  • Enron – Airborne Finger Benders w Core Engaged x10IC
  • Smudge – Breakdancers x10 IC
  • Spartan – WWII Sit Ups x10 IC
  • Bing – Hello Dolly x10IC
  • Bing – Rosalita x10IC


F3 Suncoast has experienced amazing growth, especially from the likes of Men like Drake who was Instrumental in our initial growth.  We have gone from 5 men on day 1 to over 950 men who have experience F3 in some way. Let’s keep up this growth, and let’s be sure to find a way to continue to impact the community we are a part of.  Also, as a leadership group, YHC encourages you all to dig into the Q Source manual..a great leadership guide as written by one of the co-founders of F3.  Join us on Wednesday morning, partner up with a few men, just find time to dig through the content in which you learn how to Get Right, Live Right, Lead Right and ultimately LEAVE RIGHT.  The content can be found here, or purchased online at Mudgear. The men of F3 Suncoast are truly STRONGER TOGETHER!


  • Gator Wilderness Run 4/22
  • Mysterio2 – 4/29 – get with Pork Roll
  • St Anthony’s Tri 4/30
  • The Murph – Memorial Day
  • Wild Pax in November


  • Holy Hops for the wisdom and guidance to share the Lord’s word at the chapel of IMG Academy on Wednesday
  • YHC and Ripken’s Heart procedure
  • Usher’s heart procedure
  • Praises for F3 Suncoast
  • Praise and continued prayers for our brother Lancelot
  • all other spoken and unspoken prayers

It is always an honor to lead such a great group of men.

~Bing Out

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