Dora Under the Bridge
Temp 63°, cool breeze and very comfortable. We met at the new parking lot across from the playground. I must say the pavement is much smoother than Dillards. The 5…
Temp 63°, cool breeze and very comfortable. We met at the new parking lot across from the playground. I must say the pavement is much smoother than Dillards. The 5…
It was great to be back at the tower for the first time in what seems likes weeks. The five core principles and disclaimer were given so we started off…
Crisp day here in Sarasota. Path gathered at UTC Mall for a Chilipepper lead beatdown. I introduced myself and 5 Core Principles and disclosures were shared. Mozy!! A few…
NOTE NOTE NOTE – this was a Guest / DR Q by Puddin’ Pre-blast: YHC advised Suncoast via Slack of the DR Q. Tepid response with 3 HC’s. And 21…
A beautifully balmy Tuesday morning with a truly magnificent 7, trying to honor the great Italian Stallion in the Dillard’s parking lot due to the circus going at NBP. Quickly…
Weather: 65F and perfect, even even with some moist air. Welcome: YHC and Defib wrapped-up an 0415 EC ride so the stage could be set just right. YHC greeted the…
Tuesday on a chilly morning promised rain, so we moved down to the tower “JUST IN CASE.” It was not to be. So we headed to the tower. Smurf had…
The gloom was ideal for a winter F3 beatdown. Can’t beat it. YHC pulled in with a few minutes to spare, announced the mission and principles of the pax, and…
Weather- not terrible at 47 degrees and no wind At 5:13am, YHC rolled up to see a small group huddled together deep in banter. By 5:14, a couple of more…
46F and clear windy – 5 core principles and disclaimer announced, welcomed FNG… Warmaroma: Easy Mozy run to BB court then circle up for exercises: 1 minute invisible jump rope…