Workout Easter Egg Hunt

After taking time to get set up, YHC arrived at Bad Clown to be greeted  by  the PAX.  A welcome to Toll House from Albany GA – Thomas Amos.  After…

6 Year Anniversary – Stronger Together

Weather: Absolutely glorious The men of F3 Suncoast converged to celebrate 6 years for F3 Suncoast, and a celebration it was.  Betamax, Enron, Manziel, Crabcakes and YHC took on a…

Rat town

Conditions: 71 degrees ,humid and dark Mozi: From Down Range we enjoyed the company of Scantron from Cincinnati….we jogged The round about and did Nur,kerioke Warmup: SSH, Merkins, Imperial walkers, Strawberry pickers and…

Old Men vs Young Pricks

Happy My Birthday! – 50  Pax swarmed the green turf at Bad Clown for a birthday bash beatdown. A brisk and bright 49 dF at a 5:15 kickoff. After stating…

Brutus Birthday Q – Cinco Oucho

Pre-blast: Join YHC to celebrate the 58th anniversary of the stork dropping me off at my mommy’s! PREP:  Empty out (2) 2.5 gallons of 30 Seconds mildew cleaner via the…

Condenser 5 year

Arrived to see Chilipepper and Sir Wallace going hard at the pre Insanity workout. Good work brothers! started off with the mission statement, and the five core principles. Added disclaimer…

Let’s get some!

The BackBlast: Weather: 75 degrees / 90% humidity 5:15 – 5 core principles and disclaimer were shared. Warm-o-Rama: Static Stretch: Set to “Welcome to the Jungle” – by Guns N…

Move to the beat(down)

First and foremost, Mr. Magoo was not listed in the PAX names, so I’m putting him right here at the top. Weather: 75 degrees / 90% humidity 5:15 – 5…

4 Corners to The Rampage of Gratitude

Beautiful morning for a beatdown! We started with a warm-up and a few stretches. We then did 10 burpees to kick us off and get the heart pumping. We then…