Love… and the Mosh Pit

Pre-blast posted on Slack inviting pax to YHC’s 4th Maniversary. 5:15 = (4) core principles with help from F3 Charlotte Puddin’ for the 5th (Open to all men).  3 DR:…

Post Christmas Four Corners

When YHC posted at 5:00, 46°, I was informed that Cat5 was down and out.  So I  took the lead and began with the 5 core principles and disclaimer. We…

Full Contact Match Game

Friday past, on the Eve of Christmas Eve, the pax gathered for a beatdown that turned into a beatup. The pax arrived to see an array of papers spread to…

On the Fly🙄

Weather: 63 degrees dark and rainy mist. Mozi/warmup: we ran laps around the 4 corners stopping along the way and doing the usual warm up stuff… Nur, SSHops, Phelps, strawberry pickers…

Deck of Death

Runners who did not participate in the Deck of Death but showed up for the name o rama include: Brutus, Crabcakes, Enron, Olympus, and

Mr Hankey’s Beatdown

AirWoof had a 2.0 emergency so I gladly stepped in.  PAX was surprised and with painful facial expressions when they were told I had the Q.  Don’t know why?  Disclaimer…

Relay & Repeat!

The weather was crisp and perfect for a beatdown. Albeit some of the more senior residents of the state would go so far as to call it chilly, anyone from…

Merkinening Around the Christmas Tree

Weather: Gloomy The pax were eager and ready to go after watching some of the Insane Clown Possy pax wiggle across the turf prior to the Bad Clown launch.  Letting…

Get’en Purdy

5 core Principles and Disclaimer announced. Mosey: High Knees, Butt Kickers, Carioca Warmarama: Arm Circles, Michael Phelps, Imperial Walkers As always the goal at every Q from YHC is to…