AO: Bad Clown Bootcamp - Friday

When: 12/10/2022


Number of Pax: 19

Pax Names: Bing, Brutus, Callahan, Chilipepper, Condenser, Fireball, Lancelot, Mrs. Doubtfire, Pork Roll, Pyro, Sir Wallace, SnapShot, Spamalot, Spartan, Sputnik, Stagecoach, Teletubby, Usher, Wolverine,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Bing

The BackBlast:

Weather: Gloomy

The pax were eager and ready to go after watching some of the Insane Clown Possy pax wiggle across the turf prior to the Bad Clown launch.  Letting the turf air out a bit, YHC decided to cover the core principles, mission statement and disclaimer and then mosied away.  First up was a round of BONE THE FISH along the parking lot lines and then the first COP including the following:

  • SSH x20 IC
  • Moroccan Night Clubs x25 IC
  • LBCs x15 IC
  • Wheezy Jeffersons x15 IC

A short mosey back to the turf for continued COP including:

  • Mountain Climbers x10IC
  • Merkins X10 IC
  • Peter Parker x10 IC

It was time to mosey our way to the THANG.  First up was a Merkin ladder performed around the massive Christmas Tree along Cattleman.  1 Merkins – Lap around the circle up to 10 Merkins and a lap.  Once this was completed, we mosied over to the front of the stores for some suicide sprints.  Running under each store sign as the turn around point.  Due to the size of the pax gathered, we split into two with Chili Pepper leading 3 exercises while the Bing led group ran their suicide runs.  Flip Flop x 3.  Both groups did 3 rounds of each.

Time was coming to a close so we mosied back over to the turf for a quick round of mary – all ab exercises and ALL in cadence.  Freddie Mercury, Hello Dolly, Leg Lifts, 30-60-90 (in cadence somehow) and a few others greeted us.  Oh, and some Jane Fonda’s (is this how she got such great abs?)

It was important to note that YHC insisted the pax PLANK or Wall sit until the 6 is in.  It is imperative that no man is left on the battle field working alone.  Picking up the 6 is a critical tennant of F3 and should always be adhered to!


  • VMA Activities are a plenty – check the VMA Slack channel for details
  • Salvation Army mens night  – collection has been great, sign up to come on 12/14, aye!


  • Lancelot and his injuries (thanks for coming out for COT brother)
  • Families struggling with illnesses
  • Praises for blessings shared

Moleskin:  The end of the year is quickly approaching and now is the time to reflect on how you might need to change/Accelerate as you move into 2023.  Think of ONE WORD that might describe where your focus needs to be, and then share that word with 2-3 men.  Have them hold you accountable to that ONE WORD.  Sir Wallace share his as AWAKE.  He needs to be AWAKENED to all of the blessings that God has placed in front of him and help him be thankful and share these blessings.  Let’s not let the new year roll into just another year, let’s make it a year of personal Acceleration, and ACCOUNTABILITY, Aye!


~Bing out

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