AO: Dixieland - Monday

When: 12/26/2022


Number of Pax: 3

Pax Names: AirWolf, Spartan,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names: N/A

QIC: AirWolf

The BackBlast:

It was a clear, cold morning after Christmas that the vast majority of Pax chose the fartsack, but Spartan and DR Pax Manhole from F3 Dunwoody (near ATL) joined YHC for a 12 Days of Christmas themed beatdown ITG.

The 5 Core Principles and standard Disclaimers were covered and we warmed up with a:
– high knees
– butt kickers
– side shuffle (switch)
– 10 SSH IC
– 10 IW IC
– 10 Strawberry Pickers IC

4 corners route for “12 Days”
– 1 Burpee
– 2 Jump Squats
– 3 Carolina Drydocks
– 4 Big Boy Situps
– 5 Merkins
– 6 Step-back Lunges (3 each leg)
– 7 Moroccan nightclubs IC
– 8 SSH IC
– 9 LBCs IC
– 10 Overhead Claps IC
– 11 Shoulder Taps IC
– 12 Crunchy Frogs IC

11s drill
– Squats & Plank Jacks

Core samples (1 set)
– 20 LBCs
– 20 long swimmers
– 20 box cutters
– 20 push the rock
– 20 flutter kicks

MoM: Crab Touches (Manhole), and Wide Merkins (Spartan)


Bridge of Life Superhero 5k Saturday 2/11.  Expect to likely see Manhole at The Guillotine on Tuesday, back at Dixieland on Wednesday, and at Bad Clown on FRI.

CoT:  Spartan’s friend Mike Flippiano is about a month into recovery from a serious heart attack and he and his family could use prayers; Manhole asked for prayers for extended family of his M who are returning from Costa Rica and seems many of those returning are ill — prayers that they get home safe (some places travel is still being impacted from he major winter storm) and that the illness would stop spreading among them.

2023 is almost upon us.  Get your last posts for the year in and punch the new year in the face!

-Airwolf, Out

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