AO: Hard Knocks University Bootcamp - Wednesday

When: 12/28/2022


Number of Pax: 14

Pax Names: Bing, Brutus, Chilipepper, Jimmy Dean, Kotter, Pusher, Sir Wallace, Spamalot, Sparkler, Spartan, Usher,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Brutus

The BackBlast:

Pre-blast posted on Slack inviting pax to YHC’s 4th Maniversary.

5:15 = (4) core principles with help from F3 Charlotte Puddin’ for the 5th (Open to all men).  3 DR: F3 Charlotte Puddin’, F3 Greensboro Thurmanator, F3 Omaha Stapler.  Welcome!

LOVE was mentioned as the theme this gloom, with more to follow in COT.

Warm up

½ parking lot loop with run, nur, arms up.  Quick mid-mosey stop for SSH, strawberry pickers, Michael Phelps and Agitators.

The Thang

At SE corner of parking lot, cones were laid out making approx 40’ diameter circle (inside circle = the “Mosh Pit”).  Pax partnered up.  One of the partners started inside the circle, the other outside.  Inside circle pax performed designated exercises on the whiteboard tabata style (50 seconds AMRAP, with target exercise count also noted on the whiteboard).  During this 50 seconds, outside circle pax rotated the circle with a mode and direction (CW or CCW) designated on the whiteboard.  After the 50 seconds, 10 second transition for partner swap inside to outside the circle and vice versa.  Partners were encouraged to challenge each other (vs the target exercise count); mumblechatter and encouragement was also suggested.  One set = a total of 5 exercises both inside and outside the circle, then run one big lap around the parking lot (2:30 allowed for the lap).  3 full sets of (5) exercise/mode combos, each followed by a lap.  Timing dependent, one more exercise after the 3rd set/lap.

Set #1:


Windmill (25 x 2) // run CW

Superman Swim (30) // nur CW

Iron Cross HOLD (w/coupon) // nur CCW

Squats (35) // Indian run CW

———–> run one big parking lot lap

Set #2:

PIT: Big Boys (25) // MODE OUTSIDE: Bear Crawl CW

Imperial Walkers (25 x 2) // run CCW

American Hammers (40 x 2) // Plank face pit

Burpees (15) // run CW

Plank // Bear Crawl CCW

———–> run one big parking lot lap

Set #3:

PIT: Calf Raise (50) // MODE OUTSIDE: Indian run CCW

Merkins (30) // Side Shuffle face pit

Moroccan Night Club w/coupon (50) // run CCW

Crunchy Frog (40) // Carry-O-Key face pit

Overhead Clap (40) // Plank face pit

———–> run one big parking lot lap


PIT: Reverse Flutter (20 x 2) // MODE OUTSIDE: run CCW



To go with the “Love” theme, all songs included the word “Love” in the title; what were the artist’s intent with these songs?  Some are pretty obvious (“Love Gun”?  Really?):

Kiss: Love Gun

Van Halen: Feel Your Love Tonight

Eddie Money: Think I’m in Love

Queen: Somebody to Love

Godsmack: Love-Hate-Sex-Pain

Sammy Hagar: Your Love is Driving Me Crazy

The J. Geils Band: Love Stinks

Donnie Iris: Love Is Like A Rock

Cheap Trick: If You Want My Love

Night Ranger: Don’t Tell Me You Love Me

Ratt: You’re In Love

Sweet: Love Is Like Oxygen

MOLESKIN: Love – what a powerful word.  Love is everything.  Without Love there is nothing.  Pax were encouraged to think hard about that word and how love can lead to so many other things.  When sharing love, compassion, understanding and patience soon follow.  Do we give and share love enough?  How can we love more?  

SUMMARY: 45 minutes timed out during parking lot run #3, but Bing wanted to finish the bonus exercise, so ran a couple minutes long.  T-Claps to Stapler for consistently picking up the 6 on the runs; F3 Suncoast take note…

ANNOUNCEMENTS: January MABA Challenge, Bridge A Life / Superhero 5K Saturday Feb 11, January Saturday Tower/Parrish “Bring the Bootcamp to You”, VMA PE Class Takeover Friday Jan 13.

PRAISES / PRAYER REQUESTS:  Stagecoach: sister Kim, Chilipepper: acquaintance Ashley recent miscarriage, Thurmanator: BIL Tim health and job search, Jimmy Dean: Karen cancer in remission, Sparkler: MIL travels


With LOVE –

THE Brutus – thanks for having me the past 4 years!  OUT!!

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