Merkins and a Mile+

Puddin’ was a DR guest from NC. We should probably get him into the scrolls of Suncoast… he posts more than some locals. Many merkins with minimal mumblechatter (once Sonic…

MURPH training

73F humid No warmorama this time. Steel, Snapshot, and Sir Wallace launched from Dillard’s at 5:15a then met up with Spartan, Condensor, and Puddin at Bad Clown locale. MURPH training…

All Proper and Stuff

Mozy,  a round the rotunda.  High Knees, butt kickers, Nur..  Upon return we circled up and Thunder Struck.  SSH and burpee on Thunder.   We then reviewed a few basic…

4 corners… of urine?

Weather- Florida summer (yes I know it’s mid May); humid humid humid At 5:15am, YHC filling in for Crabcakes, laid out the 5 core principles, did not see an FNG,…

UC, Tabata can be fun!

Merkins were plentiful and the mumblechatter minimal for this tabata-style beatdown Started with a mosey (butt-kickers, high knees, karaoke, nur, and toy soldiers) followed by SSH, strawberry pickers, windmills, and…

Spinning the Bottle Workout

73°, welcome back 100% humidity. After the five core principles and disclaimer were given, we took off on our mozey towards the Round-About for some SSH, Strawberry Pickers, Agitators, Morracan…

Sharpening at the Tower

Conditions: 68 degrees and incredible! Chore principals and disclaimers  Mozi  The usual…. Jog with kerioke, Nur, high knees, and butt kickers The Warmup Ssh, strawberry pickers, mikey Phelps, arm circles,…

Space: The New Frontier

It was 5:15, YHC took charge and we took off on our mosey around the parking lot. We stopped for side straddle hops, windmills, agitators and Michael Phelps. We used…

Do or Do Not, there is no Try

May the 4th Be With You!  Starwars inspired beatdown… Mozy.  With stops doing… Jedi Shuffle Imperial Soldiers (toy Soldiers) Imperial Walkers Side Straddle JarJars. Yoda Humpers Light Saber Pointers  …