AO: Bad Clown Bootcamp - Friday

When: 05/19/2023


Number of Pax: 18

Pax Names: Bernie, Beta Max, Big Mac, Brutus, Callahan, Chilipepper, Chopzone, Condenser, Dora, Manning, Mrs. Doubtfire, Ponzi, Pyro, Ripken, Sir Wallace, Sixer, SnapShot, Spartan,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Bernie

The BackBlast:

Friday’s beatdown started at 5:15 with the 5 Core Principals and Disclaimer.  With little time to waste, we started our mosey.


Jogged around the parking lot while preforming butt kickers, high knees, and karaoke before circling up mid-mosey.  To wake up our minds and bodies we completed:

Motivators x 8

Strawberry pickers x 15 in cadence

Michael Phelps

Moroccan Night Club

Continued our jog back to basecamp, circled up and completed 15 Imperial Walkers, in cadence.

The THANG: Playlist, carry over from insane clown 

Planned today was a Dora-like beatdown.  Pax were asked to pair up in teams of 2.  On the east side of the turf field, there was a set of 10 suggested exercises, each with 100 reps.  While one Pax was preforming the exercise, the other team member was asked to run to the west side of the turf field and do 25 Merkins on their first trip.  Once the 25 Merkins were complete, they ran back to the east side, tapped out their teammate, taking over the exercise count, while the other member ran to the west side to do his 25 Merkins.  On their second trip to the west side, the exercise was 25 WWII’s and the 3rd trip was 25 Coupon curls.  The same 3 exercises were repeated on the west side while building on the 10 x 100 on the east side.  This pattern continued until 6:00am.

East Side 10 x 100

  • 100 Heals to Heaven
  • 100 Jump Squats
  • 100 Dips
  • 100 American Hammers (each side)
  • 100 Lunges (each leg)
  • 100 LBC’s
  • 100 Apollo Ohno
  • 100 Shoulder Taps (each side)
  • 100 Flutter Kicks (each side)
  • 100 Long Swimmers

West side 3 x 25

  • 25 Merkins
  • 25 WWII
  • 25 Coupon Curls

Shortly after 6am, we jointed in a COT.


  • The Murph Challenge – Memorial Day (May 29th) @ Echo Chamber
  • VMA end of year close out.
  • Thank you to Sir Wallace and Chilipepper for bring coupons for our curls today.
  • Spartan had a procedure on his spine yesterday that will hopefully provide some much-needed relief.
  • Ripken and Stagecoach and their respective family, as they grieve and celebrate the life and spirit of their loved ones who are now with Christ in Heaven.
  • Chilipepper’s father, who is 90, and will be at the Tower tomorrow!
  • For the work being performed in Sir Wallace’s parents’ life, as he guides them towards heathier living options.

Ended in giving thanks and praise to Jesus, because of him and his sacrifice, we will one day have eternal glory.  Way to end a great week!


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