AO: Bad Clown Bootcamp - Friday

When: 06/23/2023


Number of Pax: 23

Pax Names: AirWolf, Bernie, Beta Max, Big Mac, Blade Runner, Brutus, Callahan, Condenser, Gold watch, Groot, Lancelot, Manning, Probert, Pyro, Rapino, Ripken, Sir Wallace, SnapShot, Spamalot, Spartan, Sputnik, Tatanka, Wolverine,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Ripken

The BackBlast:

The air was thick with anticipation as well as micro-water droplets.  Some of these were from the humidity, others were from the evaporated sweat of those doing Insane Clown.  Kudos to Lancelot, Big Mac and Sir Wallace for killing it on the early round.

The Pax seems concerned and Suncoast News 7 would show up and catch them in a compromising Downward Dog position.  Others just seems worried that their groin might actually tear from their body based on the yoga moves they’ve seen their M’s do….albeit that was during the dating phase and before children.

The 5CP were proclaimed and a short mozy ensued.  High knees, butt kickers, side shuffles and high skips were the toast of the town.

Broga consisted of some flows starting with Sun Salutations leading into some core work, and the Frog position, which everyone has a love/hate relationship with.  The flow ended with isometric pulls/pushes.  After 3 rounds of this, a sprint around the turf was called and the boys got a short break.  By this time, the mumblechatter was picking up, and the guys were feeling pretty cocky.

Round 2 started into a Warrior 1, 2, 3, Reverse Warrior and Triangle series.  This put a sweat on the brow and a burn in the thigh.  Again pushes/pulls were the name of the game.  Done right, the heart rate starts to climb nicely. Another loop around the turf.

Round 3 pretty much stopped the mumblechatter.  We started with some Tree Hovers to blow out the hip flexors and finished with some Star/Curtsy poses to crush the quads.  By this time, YHC was in a flop sweat.  For each toe touch, the Pax had to do a merkin.

The last round was about opening up the hips with a Johnny Bench squat and some knee up/foot up holds with our legs at 90 degrees while lying flat on our bellies.

At the end of the day, YHC had 600 calories on the watch and a soaked shirt.  At the same time, there were no injuries and all the Pax were loose as a goose.

Praise for Ripken’s healing, Trane’s mom coming home and Sonic Boom’s viagra order finally arriving.

Prayers for Bing, some travel and Brutus’ potty mouth.  Big Mac will take the prayers for his potty mouth, but we all know these prayers have gone unanswered.

Always great to be Freed to Lead.  Good to be back out in the gloom.

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