Wile E. Coyote

Brrrr…we must of been Wild E Stupid to go out this gloom. But one former Nantan told me before, “It’s not a weather issue it’s a lack of proper gear…

Publix left the freezers open

WX: 41 degrees, clear with some wind 5 principles and disclaimer WU: SSHx20, IWx20, Strawberry pickers x10, mosey around the lot with butt kickers, karaoke (sp?), and high knees. The…

Creative Burpeenessss

Great morning to be at NBP!   5 Core Principles were anounced and the fact I’m not liable for what we are about to partake.   Mozy, High Knees, Monkey…

First crisp gloom

Weather: a crisp 60F with very little wind (no complaints here) Although it was not easy to get out of the warm, cozy bed, the benefit of sharing 45min hour…

Four Corners and Jailbreak

Weather:  Who cares – it is FRIDAY Disclaimer shared, core principles and mission statement given and off we went for a mosi.  Halfway around the lot we stopped for SSH…

We Rode

Weather:  70’s and Windy The route was pre-determined.  We headed south on Lorraine to Fruitville, back up to Masters and Bourneside (that was fun), with a return to Wawa. In…

No name Friday

Conditions 69 and clear! Mozi/Warm up We started w jogging the bridges which included “curb”  kerioke,Nur,butt kickers and high knees. Then we warmed up w Ssh, Michael Phelps, arm circles, Imperial walkers,…

Election Day VQ

Conditions: 53, cold, with 10mph winds from the north. What an excellent day for my VQ!   Not wanting to take too much advantage of the winds; hill repeats it was. …

Trump’s Homework

Great crisp morning with a slight breeze. 5 Core principles were a ounces and disclaimers given.  It was announced that the Pax should thanks Trump for the forthcoming beatdown.. Mozy…

Leading By Example

Weather: Absolutely Perfect 5:15 struck, core principles reviewed, and disclaimer was given.  The Pax were reminded our last Bing Beatdown that included no running, well, that was the past, it’s…