AO: Blazing Saddles - Tuesday

When: 12/08/2020


Number of Pax: 3

Pax Names: I Spy, Pincher, Sniper,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Pincher

The BackBlast:

Brrrr…we must of been Wild E Stupid to go out this gloom. But one former Nantan told me before, “It’s not a weather issue it’s a lack of proper gear issue.” So lots of “gear” went on today and off YHC went to meet the other brave PAX this gloom.

Sniper was pulling in with his truck as I arrived on the bike. He seemed to take a few extra minutes to get out, wonder why…? We discussed our “gear” as we waited for 6am, we thought it was going to end up a duo today. Right at 6 Sharp, as we were ready to launch, Sniper did a double check of where his keys were. Thankful for I Spy this allowed us to spot is front bike like coming up the road. So we waited and launched a few minutes late.

Just before launch we did the COT, prayers for a safe ride and warmth.

We ventured on a new lap today, as more roads around us continue to open up. Along the way we spotted a coyote crossing the road right in front of us. A sign of what this BB needed to be named.

Pincher out!

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