AO: Hard Knocks University Bootcamp - Wednesday

When: 12/02/2020


Number of Pax: 9

Pax Names: Bing, Brutus, Goob, Manziel, Olympus, Pudge, Sir Wallace, Sniper,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: AirWolf

The BackBlast:

WX: 41 degrees, clear with some wind

5 principles and disclaimer
WU: SSHx20, IWx20, Strawberry pickers x10, mosey around the lot with butt kickers, karaoke (sp?), and high knees.

The Thang:
4 corners: (listed exercise then mosey to next corner to repeat those reps until back to start): 7 burpees, 14 squats with shotty hop, 21 merkins, and 28 lunges (14 each leg)

“Centurian”: 25 merkins, 25 crunchy frog, 25 air squats, 25 flutterkicks (all in cadence) then a lap
Repeato (except the air squats came after the merkins and flutterkicks were replaced by penguins)

MOM: LBCs, “Germans” (arms and legs apart/together, something from Sniper that I failed to record

COT: Thank you for the pax supporting each other and clear weather; prayers for @Yukon (Craig Troyer)’s M (Marcie) and her approaching surgery

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