Pyro 1 year Anniversary

Today was the 1 year anniversary of when I joined F3. We started with a short mosy around the parking lot with butt kickers, nur and karaoke. Then we proceeded…

8 for 9 Light Poles

Nice muggy morning, it doesn’t matter the temp, it was worse with humidity. After a welcome to our guests, I stated the 5 Core Principles.  I also stated that if…

I hate Goob

Let’s start with the title- for what’s worth, I do to. Weather-  un-Florida like and decently pleasant.  Most importantly to YHC, no rain. Many were gathered, 7 pre-ran 7 miles…

Static Cling

Weather: Mild Downrange guest: Straitjacket from N Georgia 5:15 sharp the F3 five core principles and disclaimer announced. Warmorama:  mosey around parking lot with dynamic stretching. Circle up: Merkins jacks,…

1 Box, 4 Corners, 10 Coupons and 35 men

Conditions:  Dark, 78 and very humid….great for all the “respect” pax joints and muscles. Chore principals and disclaimers stated! Mozi: We jogged the bridge and included Nur, high knees,kerioke and more…

Remember the Yellow Pages

73F Clear – 5 core principles announced, 2 FNG’s present. Warmorama: Mosey around parking lot with dynamic stretching. Then circle up: SSH, Mountain Cimbers, Holyfield’s, windshield wipers, dry docks, agitators,…

Feeding America and Pit of Misery

Weather: Steamy and upper 70s Pax assembled for what was going to be a great morning.  With one FNG present, the disclaimer was shared and off we went for a…

A little change up

Weather was hot and wet and sticky and humid and just nasty. Good to see 8-ball and Recall back out in the gloom. Also had Roddick in from The Capital.…

Memorial Day Murph

Five core principles and disclosures were shared with the Pax.  The WAD was then reviewed. 1 mile run 100 pull ups 200 Merkins 300 Squats 1 mile run We mozied…

The Three Corners of Life

Weather: 74 Humidity: 68% YHC pulled in the parking lot at 5:50am, still dark and noticed a car already parked, At first I thought it was a Law Enforcement Officer…