Dixieland Delight
79 Degrees…..asphalt added another 10 degrees… The first beatdown at the new Monday AO, Winn-Dixie Land, was well attended. 22 PAX decided to get a jumpstart on their week and…
79 Degrees…..asphalt added another 10 degrees… The first beatdown at the new Monday AO, Winn-Dixie Land, was well attended. 22 PAX decided to get a jumpstart on their week and…
YHC arrived at AP for the very last time on a Monday, Goob was out on a run, then the other PAX all rolled in just in time for the…
Dark, dark, moonless, 84 and humid like Florida only knows. Welcome to a Chilipepper beatdown. Broke out the head lamp and disclosures were presented. Free Open to all Men Held…
PREP: Laying out a beatdown parking lot pain station map with some bearcrawl integrated in. WEATHER: SW FL in summer. ‘Nuf said. 5:15AM: F3 5 core principles recited: All workouts…
Isolation: the action of isolating : the condition of being isolated isolate noun iso·late | ˈī-sə-lət , -ˌlāt also ˈi- Definition of isolate (Entry 3 of 3) 1: an…
Weather- summer in Florida, 96% humidity and 79 degrees By the time 5:15am rolled around, many PAX had already been active and putting in EC. We had three run 7…
77 Degrees overcast skies wind 8mph but Elsa and her rain stayed away….. YHC arrived a few minutes early to set up the parking lot in preparation for today’s beatdown. …
52 Weaks make 1 Strong Year! Nice July Humid Morning for a Florida Beatdown *Due to an unexpected situation, the beatdown was moved to the Dillard’s Parking Lot Welcome to…
Also present: Puddin (F3 Lake Norman) and Slugger (2.0) 30 PAX on site for a Cavallino “ups & down” beat down. 73 degrees, 82% humidity and 12% chance of rain,…
Let’s start with the title- for what’s worth, I do to. Weather- un-Florida like and decently pleasant. Most importantly to YHC, no rain. Many were gathered, 7 pre-ran 7 miles…