The Journey to Mount Doom…

I beautiful Sept morning mean the pax were primed for an excellent opportunity to sharpen themselves. WX: 73 degress, moderate humidity for this time of year.  There were no FNGs…

PlankWatch for Zamboni

Weather: Steamy as usual Today was a day to honor a fallen Pax from F3 Clearwater.  The men were introduced to the concept of a uniformed officer standing watch over…

Ladder, Dora & 7 and a happy finish

Warm and Sticky, but the sweetness of future work hung heavy in the air.  The ending was a Zen moment of surprise for all, but a happy way to finish…

Sharing the AO

Including YHC, seven strong Pax posted this morning at the newly named Echo Chamber.  Apparently, a local cross country team also meets at the AO on Saturday mornings.  Seeing how…

Sweet Morning Dew

Warm, Wet Sunrise just right for a beatdown. 5 core principles announced, quick disclaimer while we waited for BigMac to finish getting dressed, and headed out. Trail run with warmorama…

Not So Rainy After All

Warm-Up: Started with Mosey around the parking lot followed by Side Straddle Hops x20 Strawberry Pickers x15 Michael Phelps x15 Agitators x15 Lunge position each leg for 10 and switch…

Honoring Murph

A beautiful morning at Adventure Park.  A good time to remember what this day was all about. At promptly 7:00 a.m., Ripken started with the 5CP and sent the Pax…

Abandoned by CSAUP Adventure Park

The thang Mosy down and back to the “danger vehicles in motion” area – high knees, karaoke, reverse down and back, then side straddle hops, imperial walkers, toy soldiers (aka…