AO: Echo Chamber - Saturday

When: 05/15/2022


Number of Pax: 8

Pax Names: Hacksaw, Lobstah, Lulu, Radar, Recall, SnapShot, Tex, TRex,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Radar (The CLE one)

The BackBlast:

The thang

Mosy down and back to the “danger vehicles in motion” area – high knees, karaoke, reverse down and back, then side straddle hops, imperial walkers, toy soldiers (aka Commie Walkers in the North), arm circles and merkins – 15 each.

Up to the Bball court to pair up for down and back to the fence while partner busts out 100 merkins, then 200 LBC, then 300 single lunges Omaha’d to 250 (retro, swap LBCs with lunges next time), 300 squarts

Circle up for commando (new to the PAX), the circle of Mary, emphasis on “The next exercise is ____, PAX repeats back, exercise in cadence (or improv), begin” — with command voice.  Monkey hampers, mountain climbers, Freddy Mercs, Squat with a Schotty hop (up on toes after squat, named after F3 Schottenhimer in CLE who planted to first F3 flag north of the Mason Dixon line, the only flag in the unsettled North for many years).

Ended with Superman, swim, and F3 song “Believe it or not…..”.  PAX need to work on this one.

Prayers for lulu’s friends’ daughter facing bad cancer situation, and Maj0r (ret) Jerry Fork in Ohio as he is a peace with is stage IV pancreatic cancer and what it means.  Treat each day as the blessing from above that it is, see the good in it and be tho good in it.

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