AO: Echo Chamber - Saturday

When: 06/25/2022


Number of Pax: 12

Pax Names: AirWolf, Big Mac, Enron, Fireball, Lobstah, Lulu, Manziel, Pyro, Replay, Ripken, Sea Duty, Spartan,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Ripken

The BackBlast:

Warm and Sticky, but the sweetness of future work hung heavy in the air.  The ending was a Zen moment of surprise for all, but a happy way to finish a big workout.

After the Mission Statement, 5CP and Credo were pronounced, we proceeded on a slow and easy mozy.

The beatdown was intended to be 3 rounds of a Ladder, Dora and then a 7.  Massive overestimation by the Q.  We only got through 1 round, but it was a doozy.  All in the Echo Chamber.

Merkin ladder with bearcrawls as transportation

Dora to swings with 10 swing crunches

100 Salsa Dips

200 Big Boy Situps

300 Plank Jacks

7 was Merkins and BBS

With only 10 minutes remaining, we finished one more short Dora

100 Toy Soldiers

150 Blades of Steel (these suck!)

200 Overhead Claps

Lastly we did two Sun Salutations for a little cooldown Broga…caught on film by Bonnie!  Not the happy finish you were thinking of?  Get your head out of the gutter!

Announcements: Visible Men Academy Summer Camp 7/18-20, Beginner Triathlon 8/21

Prayers: Hopeful for our nation, prayers for peace and more Jesus, prayers for Mrs. Doubtfire’s surgery this week, prayers for Pudge’s dad, Bing’s sick, lots of Pax traveling, and Ripken’s foot.

Good work guys.  Don’t forget to grab 1-2 Q spots in July.  Let’s fill it up ow.

Ripken out!

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