perfect weather for losing body weight

The weather was perfect this morning if your goal was to profusely sweat within seconds of walking out the front door.  Real feel was 91 degrees at launch (yep, that…

Bad Clown – Bad Beatdown

5:15 – 15 Pax tuned in to a great 45 minute workout. But first, 5 core principles mentioned. Warm-Up: Strawberry Pickers, Grab right leg, grab left leg, imperial walkers, Moroccan…

Time Is Ticking!

Today was certainly warm and humid.  With our only run being the mosey, the Pax where certainly sweeting to the oldies (or at least the 80’s).  Our 12th Pax today…

The Murph & Passing of the Flag

Today was a day to honor the fallen soldiers that gave us all our freedoms.  After the 5CP and Mission statement, PorkRoll led us off with the singing of the…

Interrupted by Thunder…struck!!

Great morning for a thorough beatdown!  19 Pax at Hard Knocks University including an FNG!  Welcome Crocket!  Quick disclaimer and 5 core principles followed by Motivators starting at 8.  And…

The Legendary Heroes Rise: A Pre-Dawn Adventure

Under the cover of darkness, a team of extraordinary individuals gathered, their spirits ablaze with anticipation. The oppressive humidity weighed heavy in the air, but these heroes were undeterred. They…

Total Ab Destruction

Pre-blast: Posted on Slack, mostly about the playlist, which would consist of songs with numbers in the titles.  The playlist was closed; no requests taken (this time). 5:11: AC/DC: Are…

I said it’d be fun, but I lied

To steal and modify the timeless words from the timeless Michael Bolton- YHC said it’d be fun, but I lied.   At precisely 5:15am, Goob called the PAX together to…

Tabata Watch Out, Tabata Not Cry

Monday morning greeted us with a cool, Florida humid 62 degrees.  The winds were still which created the perfect beatdown environment to great the Pax. In my short time with…

F3 Exercise Draft

Welcome, Brisket from Tallahassee, who came down for Mysterio 2. We started off the morning with some core principles (where Brutus stated we might get thunderstorms and I reminded him…