Tabata & Field of Dreams

We did some burpees.  Whatever.  After the beatdown I got the following text from Lights Out, a down-ranger from St. Louis. “Man, I really connected with @Paw Patrol after the…

M3 Points!!

Great morning for a thorough beatdown!  5 Pax at The Guillotine.  Quick disclaimer and 5 core principles followed by 20 SSH IC.  And to it!   Goal is to complete…

Tabata for six

Great to see SIX Pax in attendance this gloom.   Free Open to all men Held outside rain or shine Led in a rotating fashion Ends in a circle of…

Pure beatdown – no fillers

5am all the Pax were onsite including New FNG James who was EH’ed by Big Mac at Adventure Park Echo Chamber AO while he was walking his dog. After a…

A few merkins!

Great morning for some Acceleration!!  Limited mobility, maximum reps!!  Disclamers and 5 core princiles were shared.  50 SSH, 10 straberry pickers followed by some right left leg streches, plank, right…

Keep the Guillotine Sharp!

Chill morning at the Guillotine. 5 Core Principles and disclaimers were uttered. Mozy around the parking lot. We then did strawberry pickers, Michael Phelps, Merkins, Right foot to Right and…

Solo Ladder

Just me, myself, and I. 1 mile warm-up   Circuit Ladder 5-10-15-20 reps Squats Merkins Four-count LBCs Four-count scissor kicks Carolina Dry Docks   3-mile cool

Classic Tabata

Just Gold Watch and YHC this gloom.  Great weather, freshly swept pavilion, let the pain begin. Mosey, high knees, butt kickers, karaoke   10 burpeee 20 merkins 30 Squats 40…

6 Year Anniversary – Stronger Together

Weather: Absolutely glorious The men of F3 Suncoast converged to celebrate 6 years for F3 Suncoast, and a celebration it was.  Betamax, Enron, Manziel, Crabcakes and YHC took on a…

Not an Easy Tuesday!

Disclaimer and 5 Core Principles.  Mozy, Nur, Nur butt kickers, Nur High Knees.  We then circled up and did the Big Sexy, Monkey Humbers, Pickle Pointers, Pickle Pounders, Homer to…