When: 03/28/2023


Number of Pax: 6

Pax Names: Blade Runner, Chilipepper, Sir Wallace, Spamalot,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Chilipepper

The BackBlast:

Disclaimer and 5 Core Principles.  Mozy, Nur, Nur butt kickers, Nur High Knees.  We then circled up and did the Big Sexy, Monkey Humbers, Pickle Pointers, Pickle Pounders, Homer to Marge, and Hot chicks.  Strawberry Pickers, Plank, Right and Left leg stretch, Markins.


Catch me if ya can..  Pax were devided into teams of 2.   PAX A does excersize while PAX B completes the Mode of Transportation around the parkinglot.  They PAX B runs to PAX A and they switch.


  • 20  Overhead Press w/Coupon
    • MOT crab walk
  • 20 Big Boz w/Coupon
    • MOT Lunge
  • 20 KB Swings w/Coupon
    • MOT Bear Crawl
  • 10 Man Makers w/Coupon
    • MOT reverse Lunge
  • 20 Merkins
    • MOT Rifle Carry w/Coupon


Welcome down range PAX BigWhele and Herkie!



  • 6 Year Aniversary Beat Down Saturday at Echo Chamber.
  • Chilipepper will be at the Tower Saturday in case we get any FNGs.  Plan to go to the Echo Chamber after.
  • Thanks for all those who came out to the Heritage Parade Saturday @ The Tower.



  • Bing
  • Ripken
  • Sir Wallace step father, fall, Frank
  • Friend undergoing medical and mental battles

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