August 19, 2016

August 19, 2016 was an important day for YHC.  It marked my first post at an F3 workout.  I am not entirely certain the exact number of F3 workouts I…


5:15 FCP announced with disclaimer. Todays theme = Get Better! Forget the same ole casual workout, it’s time we push harder to achieve better in how we look and feel.…

40 What???

Weather: 78 degrees / 88% humidity Trane’s 40th B-Day Beatdown!! 7:00 – 5 core principals and disclaimer was shared. Warmorama: After a mosey around the parking lot that included some…

Core, core, and more core

One of the worst kept secrets of F3 is that most of our workouts are shoulder intensive.  VERY intensive.  YHC likes to shake things up from time to time.  Thus…

Insane Clowns

Sir Wallace special edition insane pre-beatdown Start with prayer ✝️ Get Loose: Moroccan night clubs Walking lunges then reverse Boxing mitt punch combos   Agility training: Run route using placed…

Insane Clowns

Sir Wallace special edition insane pre-beatdown Start with prayer ✝️ Get Loose: Moroccan night clubs Walking lunges then reverse Boxing mitt punch combos   Agility training: Run route using placed…

Old School Hamer Time

Hot and Humid – more than usual. Many pax were out and about, getting in some pre-miles and then 5:15a struck and it was time to officially launch.  Today -…

Just another Tabata workout

Mosey, high knees, butt kickers, karaoke   10 burpees 20 merkins 30 Squats 40 LBCs 50 Moroccan nightclub   6 Tabata – 90 seconds rest 6 sets 30, rest 15…

PlankWatch for Zamboni

Weather: Steamy as usual Today was a day to honor a fallen Pax from F3 Clearwater.  The men were introduced to the concept of a uniformed officer standing watch over…