Nifty Fifty

Weather:  Cloudy and humid, rain at the end

QIC:  Scrum

Pax:  Scrum, Drake, Ripken, Manziel, Ace, Baron, Bubbles, Ivanka, Trump, Lambeau, LG, Olympus, Yamaha, Sterling, Bing, Pincher, Brutus, Aquaman, Sparky, Dash, Recall, Cottontail, Rowdy

FNG:  Mike (FIOS)

Covered the F3 mission, disclaimer and core principles.  Theme of the beatdown was “Nifty Fifty”, recognizing the fact that I turned 50 the week prior.  Mosey consisted of two laps around the parking lot with high knees, buttkickers, nur and carioca mixed in.

COP included the following:

  • SSH x20 IC
  • Strawberry Pickers x10 IC
  • Windmills x10 IC
  • Arm circles
  • Agitators
  • Toy Soldiers x10 IC

The pax then counted off into groups of 4.  These would be used throughout the Thang.

First segment consisted of an old school 50 yard dash.  The 50 yard distance was marked off with cones in the parking lot.  Each group lined up on the starting cones and then sprinted to the ending cones 50 yards distant.  Upon finishing, each group jogged around the loop back to the starting cones.  We repeated this 3 times.  The pax was encouraged to increase their speed during the 50 yard sprint on each rotation.

Circles of Death

Pax then moved to the hockey rink.  Each group located in one of the four circles on the hockey rink.  At each circle were listed four exercises.  Three of the circles included additional props to help increase the load: bricks, cinder blocks, water jugs.  Each group would perform the first exercise for 50 seconds and then had a 15 second break. During the break, each group would move clockwise to the next circle and perform the first exercise.  On the second full cycle, they would move to the second exercise in the list.  This repeated through all 16 exercises.

1. Circle 1 (Bricks)

    a) Berkins (Merkins on bricks)

    b) Carolina Dry Dock (on bricks)

    c) Plank Punch (with bricks in each hand)

    d) The Swimmer (Bend at waist and swim with bricks in each hand)

2. Circle 2 (Water Jugs)

    a)  American Hammer with water jug

    b) LBC with water jug

    c)  Heavy Freddies (hold jug in air)

    d)  Hello Dolly (hold jug in air)

3. Circle 3 (Cinder Blocks)

    a) Squats holding block

    b) Cowbell swings with block

    c) Lunges holding block

    d) Bent Over Row with block

4. Circle 4 (Body Weight)

    a)  Shoulder taps

    b)  Peter Parker

    c)  Imperial Walkers

    d)  Mountain climbers

Tables of Pain

Pax then moved to the pavilion for a similar rotation.  At four picnic tables in the pavilion were listed four exercises.  Each group performed the first exercise for 50 seconds and then had a 15 second break. During the break, each group would move clockwise to the next table and perform the first exercise.  On the second full cycle, they would move to the second exercise in the list.  This repeated through all 16 exercises.

1. Table 1

   a) Incline merkins (Hands on bench)

   b) Step ups

   c) Lunges

   d) Burpees

2. Table 2

   a) Dips on bench

   b) Decline merkins (Feet on bench)

   c) Big boy sit up

   d) Squat jumps

3. Table 3

   a) Parker Peter

   b) Superman

   c) Moroccan night clubs

   d) Leg crunches on table

4. Table 4

   a) Carolina Dry Dock on bench

   b) Calf raises on bench

   c) Al Gore

   d) Monkey humpers on table

Of course, the highlight of the beatdown was watching each group perform elevated monkey humpers.  Fortunately, the soccer players were rained out and missed the show.

In the last 5 minutes of the beatdown, the pax moved to the hockey rink for a quick Round of Mary:  captain thor, leg lifts, san franciscos, merkins.


  • 9/7 Clearwater launch
  • 9/9 Ronald McDonald house
  • Fundraising for Rowdy’s mission work.  He is looking for donors to commit to $20 / month.  Description and link to donate:


  • Recall and Drake’s sons
  • Olympus’ father
  • Lambeau’s mother

Have a great week!
