
60 degrees and just a blessed day for a last minute fill in by Rowdy.

7am – Welcome 2 F.N.G’s, disclaimer and the 5 core principals.

7:01am – Dynamic stretch (arm circles, agitators, Michael phelps, Wind mills), Mozy (butt kickers, high knees, karaoke, 2x round)

7:10am – Burpee Indian run to the mornings AO.

7:15am – D.O.R.A (partner up into 2 man teams, 1/2 mile run +/- round the lake, 500 merkins, 400 jump squats, 300 big boy sit ups and 50 Navy S.E.A.L’s)

752am – core circle (5 big boy sit ups (Sham WOW), 25 flutter kicks, 25 Freddie mercuries)

7:55am – Navy S.E.A.L Indian run back to C.O.T.

8am – C.O.T, Welcome 2 F.N.G’s who are 2.0’s…wlcome Uppercut and Sweet Pepper!!

Announcements – Bridge a Life Superhero 5k, Mens Night, Night to Shine

Praise Reports – Ripkens M is in a highly treatable scenario! Praises for such a beautiful day! Praises for a group where we can sharpen our spiritual and physical iron! Thank You God!

Prayer Requests – Continued prayers for Ripkens M Lori, Tranes M, Woodfords M Crystal, Goobs homey Ben, Aquamans friend Stephany and all the families as they battle varying medical issues in varying severities and add Posh and family as they head across the pond for a loss in the family.

Father we lift up our brothers Posh, Aquaman, Goob, Woodford, Trane and Ripken, we humbly pray for strength and wisdom for these men of God. we pray for the wives and friends battling the physical attacks of the enemy. we pray Your strength and supernatural healing directly into their bodies and Your perfect peace into their spirits. we lift up their families and pray Your perfect love and unity into every member of these families. we pray for the doctors and safety while traveling to and from visits. we stand in agreement that all these issues, though daunting to us, are so small to You and thank You in advance for the miracles we will see! in Your Son Jesus name!

As allways be praying for all of our injured (Amazon, Trump, Pincher, Zeus) and don’t forget those who haven’t been around in awhile (Backdraft, Toe Jam, etc), you are not forgotten and we are still here for you!! and never forget our brave fighting men and women in uniform overseas fighting for our freedoms as well as our brave 1st responders with special prayer for our Sniper, Zeus and Hercules!

Father we lift up our injured brothers and pray for supernatural healing so they may grace us sooner than later. Lord we pray You keep these men on our hearts and spur us on to check on them. we lift up our brothers who haven’t been around in awhile and despite the reasons we pray You be the center of their lives and spur them on to rejoin us sooner than later. please remind them that they are not forgotten and allways welcome. Father we raise up our soldiers and 1st responders everywhere and pray Your safety over them while they fight for our right to worship You freely and keep us safe while we do it. in Jesus name, amen!


Side challenge – I challenge us ALL to reach out to someone we haven’t seen in awhile. Let’s let these guys know we are thinking on them, praying for them. Let’s remind them that they are NOT forgotten. Remember…”Leave NO MAN behind, leave NO MAN where YOU found him”. Invite them to Men’s Night for fellowship.

F3Suncoast. Respect.Rowdy out.