Running is fun in the cold

Date: 1/23/2020

Weather: 50F and humid

QIC: Lambeau

PAX: DeepDish, Goob, Rowdy

DeepDish showed up a little early and got 1.5 miles in before the rest of the pax showed up. At 5:15 YHC covered the core principles and off we went. Goob and DeepDish headed north into the neighborhood for 6ish miles of fun runnin’. Rowdy did burpees at each end of the bridge and in the middle he did offset merkins while running between the points. He doubled back for a second round and made it back to the overlook before turning back and doing some sprints from one end of the parking lot to the other. YHC ran over the bridge and back and then over for another 7 minutes before returning and doing a lap around the parking lot.

Announcements included Superhero 5k, the upcoming Ruck and the clay shoot.

Prayers for those with cancer, first responders, military.

Lambeau out.