“Low Humidity” Morning

Temp-  76

Humidity- 85%

All 5 runners present at 5:15, the 5 core principles were stated and everyone determined their own path on this fine Fort Hamer gloom.  As the pax meandered out of the parking lot, one could be overheard…. “Feel this fine morning, it feels great.  The humidity is low.”  We’ve reached that point of the year where 85% humidity did indeed feel low and most of the PAX responded in kind by decreasing their times and increasing their output.

Some did bridge repeats.  Some did the bridge, bootcamp style, with stops along the way for exercises.  The QIC witnessed salsa dips and merkins along his path of the bridge repeat.  Everyone was back at the parking lot by 6am where we circled to shoot the breeze for a few minutes.  No announcements were made.  We ended with a morning prayer thanking God for our F3 brothers and for the ability to strengthen our minds and bodies through the workout.


  • Rowdy and his family
  • Lambeau’s mother goes into a home next week
  • The mental health of our entire pax
  • The quick recovery for those currently injured or sick
  • First responders


Thanks for letting me Q boys,

Go win the day!