5 Minutes to Win it?

Q: Chilipepper

PAX:  Goob, Lancelot

Quick Mozy with some mumble chatter..  Buck Kickers, High Knees.  Rounded up and performed a round of Motivators starting with 8.

The Thang.


1 min: 20 Lunges

2 min: 20 Lunges + Squats

3 min: 20 Lunges + Squats + Merkins

4 min: 20 Lunges + Squats + Merkins + Carolina DD

5 min: 20 Lunges + Squats + Merkins + Carolina DD + Star Jumps

Sprint 100 feet, and sprint back.



1 min: 12 Burpees

2 min: 12 Burpees + 20 Mt. Climbers

3 min: 12 Burpees + 20 Mt. Climbers + 50 Flutter Kicks

4 min: 12 Burpees + 20 Mt. Climbers + 50 Flutter Kicks + 30 Pickle Pointers

5 min: 12 Burpees + 20 Mt. Climbers + 50 Flutter Kicks + 30 Pickle Pointers + 20 Star Jumps

Bear crawl 50 ft, sprint back.


Credit where credit due, stole the workout from F3 Lexington KY.


Thought for the day..

“for you were bought with a price.  So glorify God in your body”  1 Corinthians 6.  We were given this body to take care of it and use it for God’s purposes.   It’s not Vain to push yourself, but making your body more important than God is sin.

Taking inspiration from COT podcast, look for a HIM in each of the Fs (Fitness, Fellowship and Faith) and push yourself to stay in stride, at least for a bit.  Continue to do that and accelerate.  If you are in the front, always reach back and pick up that 6, not leaving anyone behind.



Don’t forget August 6 at 8:00 EST gran premier of the Grow Ruck movie.


For our Pax, Our Families, Our Nation, those less fortunate, our first responders.  AMEN.