Harbour Tour

Weather Hot and Humid (Just like every other day in Florida during the summer)

QIC – Mr Clean

Pax in Attendance:  Lancelot,  Snapshot, Sir Wallace,  Clutch, Capt Ron, Shotgun, Manziel

5 Core Principles were disclosed. Disclaimer of this would not be a normal Q as it was a Tour of the New AO.

Mosy – None 🙂 we just started the tour.

The THANG – kinda

Tour began at 5:15am

We left the pavilion and headed off to see the path around the lake, as we “mosied for about 1/4 mile” we discussed the path is about 1.5 miles around the lake with gators that like to congregate in the corners along the bank, we then stopped and did 25 merkins.

We then headed over to the baseball fields and discussed NOT using the fields themselves as we did not want to damage them but we did do 25 step ups on the grandstands.

We then headed back towards the parking lot and stop by the playground and discussed the use of the playground for pull up’s, dips .. etc … we did 25 salsa dips while there.

We then headed back to the path and in the other direction around the lake to the pier that goes out into the lake. While on the pier we did 25 incline merkins and 25 decline merkins using the bench and railings on the pier.

We continued over to the soccer field which was set up with some cones to do suicides. We did 3 rounds of suicides with exercises between each round (25 SSH’s, 25 Squats, 25 monkey humpers) .  As nice as the soccer fields look I have noticed red ant piles so I would not recommend bear crawls in the dark.

We then headed over to the main road and discussed the options that could be done along the road way.. especially monkey humpers when the security patrol would go by.

We then headed back to the pavilion for a “mini ladder” including 20 of each SSH’s, Overhead Claps, squats, dips, step ups and Carolina Dry Docks.  Between each round the pax did a half loop of the parking lot.

Tour ended at 6:00am

COT.  Count-o-rama was followed by name-o-rama.

Announcements : Reminder of the Guava tour stop at Fort Desoto this coming Sat at 7:00am.

Prayers: for all the decision makers involved with school reopening, where to go to school.. etc. Please keep safe our military and first responders.