AO: Centennial Park

When: 07/01/2023


Number of Pax: 2

Pax Names: Guide Dog, Sugar,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Sugar

The BackBlast:

Late-ish Thursday, the plea went out. The Q for Friday had major car trouble. Somebody else would need to Q in the morning. YHC stepped up (and immediately looked at the previous week’s BB’s from another region).


5:30 at Publix rolled around. The preamble and disclaimer were given and PAX started on a warm up mosey before rallying back up to finish the warm up, ending with Merkin-Jax as follows: 1Merkin/4PlankJax, 2/8, 3/12, 4/16, 5/20, 4/16, 3/12, 2/8, 1/4


Sufficiently warmed up, and also already enjoying the ample humidity, PAX gathered at the corner wall for a descending duo of Dips and Derkins. PAX began with 7 each movement and worked down to 1 each.


Next, 10 successive lamp posts and curbs were identified. PAX would mosey to each marker where Squat Thrusts and Smurf Jacks would be executed. 1:1 at the first mark, 2:2 at the next… up to 10:10 at the finish. Mumblechatter about how “smurf jacks” seemed funny and silly at first was replaced in time by comments about how they were not silly or cute, but a challenge on your lower body.


Next, a modiDora was detailed. PAX would work with partner to execute a combined 50 merkins, 100 Bobby Hurleys, and 150 overhead claps. Partner doing work would do 3 burpees before beginning the suggested movements. Other partner moseys to the island median, performs three alpha count Bonnie Blairs and returns. PAX flapjack and continue.


Another descending duo of Carolina dry docks and monkey humpers beginning with 10 each. Finally, PAX rallied to finish with a couple rounds of Mary.


YHC is thankful for these men and is honored to be able to be part of the mutual support. Tuesday is Indepedance Day. Some HIMs may be traveling up to the 1776 convergence. YHC will remain at Centennial Park to run the AO.

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