Salted Burpees

Quick Note: Chilipepper did nonstop burpees since 6am to reach an astonishing 810 completed with Sir Wallace and Tugboat getting in a little earlier and knocking out a couple hundred…


This week featured the return of Ripken! The usual lightning fast 5AM loop – YHC heard rumors of 22.5mph average.  For the “B” group… Pincher, Ripken, Spinal Tap, Olympus, Cupid,…

Dinghy’s Elevators

Convinced my 2.0 to come back out again finally. We pulled up shortly before 5:30. Guide Dog followed soon after us. 5:30 rolled around. Disclaimer and preamble were given. Then…

Frank and the Gorilla

About 2 am this morning, the skies lit up and there was a significant amount of lightning, thunder, and rain.  YHC rolled over, looked at the clock, and thought….”I hope…

Downrangers Return Home to Centennial Park

After a long absence, the fab four of Port Charlotte F3 gathered at Centennial Park. It was old home week Tuesday, with one pax returning from the Mediterranean, and another…

Reverse Pyramid

As we met on the grassy area in the gloom there was a slight breeze in the air. There was optimism that the breeze would cool things off some (as…

Respect Ruck

As Forrest would say, We were RUCKING. YHC got there early and found 1 lone car in the lot with no occupant. The HIM that he is, Snapshot went for…

The Pusher

Date: June 19, 2023 / Monday AO: Meatgrinder (formerly Dixie Land) QIC: Pork Roll The Thang: Our Monday 05:15 meet at the Meatgrinder was in honor of our brother Pusher,…

Monday Q

Swampy walked into the gloom to see a bunch of old men layin around the ground wondering/hoping if this was the workout for the day. But it wasn’t. 80 and…