Be Epic

Another glorious fall day with the neon lights of the liquor store glowing nearby, 4 pax joined for a chalkboard of pain.  Also nearby, a rando slept in a Uhaul…

HOLD MY BEERS – for 45 minutes!

PREP: A long but interesting story.  So there I was earlier in the year, sitting in my lawnchair on my driveway with my grease-stained wifebeater on, draining Natty Lights and…

Emergency Q Substitute

Ripken flaked out on his Q late Tuesday night, so YHC grabbed it.  Ripken probably still nursing his frail body after the half tri 72 hours prior… 5 core principles.  Suggest…

And now, the fake news

Weather: 73 degrees, lightning way in the distance No FNGs were present, so YHC did the usual uninspired core principles and disclaimer. They all were out there but you all…

Red Vs Blue

Weather: Perfect Florida Gloom YHC rolled into the parking lot a bit early to set up…Found a few know vehicles which indicated we had some EC runners out in the…

Our delicate hands

Wednesdays are busy on the Suncoast now, with the regular University workout and a ruck workout too. So it was great to see several PAX  this morning, plus Goob, Crabcakes,…

Who Doesn’t Love a Three Way

The scent of a brand new AO greeted us at Winn-Dixieland as we arrived for the very first Wednesday beatdown. It was either that or some bad pork product from…