AO: Dixieland - Wednesday

When: 10/13/2021


Number of Pax: 5

Pax Names: Crabcakes, Fireball, Manziel, Pincher, Trump,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Pincher

The BackBlast:

Today was all about setting an example of how simple a Q can be put together. The idea was to lay out a simple template anyone could follow with a minimal amount of planing or effort. Of course the first time will take a bit (one rep of exercise then run to other side and do 10 reps, until you get to the reverse set of numbers)longer but this is a plug and Q template anyone can use.


  • SSH, 20 in cadence 
  • Strawberry Pickers , 10 in cadence 
  • Imperial Walkers, 20 in cadence 
  • Windmills, 10 in cadence 


  • Dora: (partners split, one runs while other does exercise, trade off between runs until all increments are completed together)

1- 100 Burpee’s

2- 200 Squats

3- 300 LBC

  • 11’s (one rep of exercise then run to other side and do 10 reps, until you get to the reverse set of numbers)

1- Big Boy

10- Merkins

  • 7’s (one rep of exercise then run to other side and do 10 reps, until you get to the reverse set of numbers)

1- American Hammers

7- Burpee’s

The above routine to all 45 minutes up. You can copy exactly or change the exercises to one’s you like. The hardest part is deciding on the distance to run between all the sets.


Announcements: Fireball’s Bday!

Prayers: Be thankful and focus on those  thinks, Manziel’s M’s mother , My M

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