Grab A Rope

Weather 56°, humidity 87%, clear.  5:15, The five core principals and dissclamer we’re announced.  We began with 15 SSH  LBCs  and American hammers IC and began a mosey interupted by…

It’s the gift that keeps on giving Clark

Weather- 53 and breezy Goob rolled up at about 5:14, laced up his shoes, checked on the tower availability, and joined the circle where chatter was high.  He began the…

Playground with a Dora

67 degrees and clear. At 5:10 it looked like I might be going solo, then head lights appeared.  With 5 in attendance, I gave the five core principals and we…

Advent — It’s in the waiting

Weather: 49F with a light breeze to keep the pax honest. Perfect weather for YHC to breakout the gloves and hoodie. Welcome: at 0515, YHC greeted the four other brave souls, stated…

Under the Christmas Lights

Conditions: 56 windy w low humidity. Warmup/Mozy  SSH,Strawberry pickers,Michael Phelps, arm circles and bad back stretches The Thang We headed 1/4 mile over to the West path to the mall on…

No burpees today

5:15 am rolled around the parking lot was nearly empty. Only 5 brave souls weathered the frigid, tenuous 60 degree weather at the tower this morning. The 5 core principle…

Cores and meteors

Weather: A beautiful clear sky with meteors streaming across it and a cool 63 degrees (with a wind chill ?) 515 the PAX were antsy due to the chill and…

3 Weeks Off and A New Beginning

This was my first Q at NBP, so at 5:15 and 77 degrees, humid, and a 6 pax on hand we began. 5 core priciples Mozey Old man stretches SsH…

The First Lady at the Tower

QIC- Goob Downrange Pax- CPap from F3Mecca (Charlotte) Weather- HOOOMID YHC pulled into the parking lot and was confused from the jump.  Their was a news reporter standing in the…