AO: Bad Clown - Tuesday

When: 11/10/2020


Number of Pax: 6

Pax Names: Big Mac, Condenser, Goob, Rapino, SnapShot, Steel,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: SnapShot

The BackBlast:

This was my first Q at NBP, so at 5:15 and 77 degrees, humid, and a 6 pax on hand we began.

5 core priciples
Old man stretches
Michael Phelps
Good mornings

Thang 1

11s- using the hill down to the tower we did uphill big boy situps, then nur to the bottom.  There we did carolina dry docks, then lunge walked back to the halfway mark.

Thang 2

Up the tower:  at each level do 30 reps
Ground level: Morracan night clubs
Bing Deck: Monkey humpers
Deck 3: Mountain climbers
Deck 4: Merk-jacks
Deck 5: Shoulder taps count right only
Deck 6: Overhead claps, LBCs

We had six minutes left for a round of Mary, including leg raises, 2 rounds of 10 burpees, I forgot to call no repeats, Suzanne Sommers,  and 30-60-90, plus a couple of others I forgot.

Prayers and praises
My brother in law David, and his bout with cancer.   My daughters surgery, and granddaughters birth.
Goobs friend Ben.
First responders and medical staff.
All veterans especially on Wed 11.11.
Announcments: Alzheimer’s ruck. Wild Pax weekend

This Q was still available at 8:00, so what a better way to get back to it after being off for three weeks.  Always good to lead.

SnapShot  ?

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