AO: Bad Clown - Tuesday

When: 11/23/2020


Number of Pax: 5

Pax Names: BP 20, Goob, Rapino, SnapShot, Steel,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Goob

The BackBlast:

5:15 am rolled around the parking lot was nearly empty. Only 5 brave souls weathered the frigid, tenuous 60 degree weather at the tower this morning. The 5 core principle were stated, the chatter was nonexistent, so the mozy began. One loop around the parking lot which included carioca, high knees, butt kickers, and a short NUR. Once back to our starting location, the following exercises were performed for warmup- 10 SSH (IC), 10 Strawberry Pickers (IC), 10 agitators (OYO), 10 Michael Phelps (OYO), leg stretching, and shoulder stretching.

With that out of the way, and Goob picking up the Q late, that could only mean one thing. The veteran PAX knew what lay before them and the newer PAX member was so eager, yet so misinformed. The 5 brave souls lumbered over to the Christmas Tree trail at Goob’s direction. Once there, the plan was laid out. Starting from the beginning of the trail, we would run to every other tree and perform a prescribed exercise for 10 repetitions. Move two more trees, 10 more repetitions. Repeat until the end of the trail and then run back to the starting line. Plank or stay busy until the six returns. There are 20 rows of palm trees meaning 100 total repetitions would be had along with a solid distance run back.

Round 1- Merkins (phew, they survived the first round)
Round 2- Plank Jacks (PAX were now stunned that a certain site Q favorite had yet to be called)
Round 3- Calf Raises (PAX now more confused than relieved, as if waiting for the command to be called)

At the conclusion of round 3, the PAX ran back to the parking lot and assembled as the clock struck 6am. NO BURPEES? Goob led a Q and not a single burpee was demanded? To everyone’s astonishment, including his own, Goob completed his first Q ever in which not a single burpee was had. Is he getting soft? Perhaps. Was he lazy this morning? Maybe. Will he ever call for a burpee again during his Q? Come and play next time to reveal the answer.

1) All AO’s still held as scheduled through the Thanksgiving holiday this week
2) Wild Pax weekend is next weekend. Get registered, buy your shirts, and stock up on Pepto Bismol

1) David, Snapshot’s brother-in-law, is already responding well to chemo and the mass in his stomach has shrunk tremendously. Continued prayers for God’s healing hand.
2) Trane’s M, Sarah, and their family during the healing process.
3) Our country during the turmoil.
4) Injured PAX and unspoken prayers.
5) First responders, police, fire fighters, and all those serving the front lines.

It was an honor as always gents. Go win the day!


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