Immua means “GO” to move forward!

Warm up: 20 side straddle hops, strawberry pickers, hill Billy walkers, agitators, Michael Phelps, Bad Back Stretch’s. dynamic stretch: lunges, toy soldiers, butt kicks, high knees. mosey: run, curb step…

Great Mood Friday

Conditions: Dark, dry, stars, breezy and 67! Perfect Warm up/Mozi: Since we had a FNG (welcome Noonan)…. “jail break” our warm up was 5 flights+ of stairs to the top of the…

Legs for days

59F clear skies – shouted the 5 core principles and welcomed FNG Austin (now F3 Baywatch) Warmup: Mosey with dynamic stretching including butt kickers, high knees, karaoke, walking lunges, toy…

F3 Friday

F3 Friday Welcome 5 Core Principles Open to all Men, Free, held Outdoors, Led by Peers on a Rotating fashion, and ends with COT, Circle of Trust Warm Ups:  Good…

Rest Your Soul

Weather:  77 and muggy OMAHA OMAHA – Had to make a quick location change due to the fact that Nathan Benderson Park was closed for a national rowing competition.  25…

Finding a replacement for Thunderstruck

A beautiful morning at Benderson. While the ruckers went for a nice walk and chat (perhaps a cup of tea too), the main beatdown got down to the business in…

F%#^n Ruck n buckets!

5:15 am, crisp with a little haze to start of this Friday.  5 core principles were addressed and disclaimers were shared.  Accelerate but don’t injure yourself (too much) in the…

Capable vs Willing

Foggy Friday morning in the gloom. We had some early arrivals who were warming up at 5:05 when I arrived. At 5:15 we gotdown to business. 5 core principals were…

Agree to Disagree

Weather: 50s With the tower off-limits today, the flight of suicides will have to wait for another day. Core Principles shared, disclaimer stated and we were off for a mosi,…

F3 Nation 10th Anniversary @ AP

F3 Nation 10th Anniversary @ AP 70 Degrees: Beautiful Morning 29 HIM headed down to the Basketball courts of Adventure Park   10 years ago on this day in a…