AO: Bad Clown Bootcamp - Friday

When: 01/15/2021


Number of Pax: 17

Pax Names: Bing, Brutus, Cavallino, Clutch, Condenser, Crabcakes, Defib, Goob, Lancelot, Mr. Clean, Posh, Pyro, Rapino, Ripken, Skipper, Stagecoach, Steel,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Bing

The BackBlast:

Weather: 50s

With the tower off-limits today, the flight of suicides will have to wait for another day.

Core Principles shared, disclaimer stated and we were off for a mosi, many with rucks, around the lot. A few stops along the way that included:

  • SSH x 10 IC
  • Monkey Humpers x10 IC
  • LBCs x10 IC
  • Merkins x10
  • Mountain Climbers x10 IC
  • Peter Parkers x10 IC

The Thang:

BOMB – Starting at the first corner of the lot, and stopping at each corner to do the following 4 exercises at 10 reps:

  • Burpees
  • Overhead Claps
  • Merkins
  • Big Boy Sit-ups

Round 2 included the following exercises with the same 4 stops:

  • Carolina Dry Docks
  • LBCs
  • Squats
  •  Burpees

For those attempting to Make America Burpee Again – that’s 80 burpees for you!

With a short amount of time left, it we concluded with a quick round of 7s with morroccan night clubs and LBCs. and a short round of mary and MORE BURPEES (10).


YHC watched the segment aired about F3 Greensboro and was really impacted by the quote of ““Our one rule was we can disagree with one another, but we cannot be disagreeable towards one another.” This has become my Mantra for 2021 and will share it as often as possible as I firmly believe this is one answer to the issues we face in our country today.  It falls closely in line with the concept of Tent Pole leadership.  The largest support pole in a tent is in the middle, if it were at the ends, the tent would sag and ultimately collapse.  By coming together in the center of the tent, two sides can have a conversation, understand one another’s point of view, and ultimately decide to agree or disagree. If disagreement is the end result, the true HIM walks away for the conversation respecting the other point of view and not being disagreeable or hostile towards it.  Without coming to the center for the conversation, there is no way to truly understand one another’s point of view.  Yelling across the tent is required just to be heard, but yelling is not a way to have a quality conversation.  I urge you all to come together, have the tough conversations but walk away respecting one another.  We all can disagree with one another but should not be disagreeable!


  • Raider Run 5k – 3/27
  • SuperHero 10k/5k – 2/20
  • Sup n Run  – in May
  • Look for a Q-Source class along with a shovel making day in February


  • Family of TikTock who lost their M.
  • Praise for DeFib and hearing His word to get out of a dark place
  • Prayers for the staff at our local hospitals
  • First responders, fire, police and military and our country

Always an honor to lead…

~Bing out

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